Executive War College
The 2025 Executive War College recognizes the value of partnerships with individuals like you as well as the responsible organizations that create and provide the tools we need to run a Pathological Laboratory. These entities are our partners in success. To that end, we have partnered with a select set of Sponsors and Benefactors.
EWC attracts between 700 and 1,000 attendees every year and is the preeminent gathering for leading Lab executives, senior administrators, pathologists, and lab industry consultants and vendors! This conference provides you with an unmatched opportunity to gain recognition among the lab profession’s most accomplished leaders and innovators.
There’s no better opportunity to raise the profile of your company while catching the attention of decision-makers actively looking for new products and solutions to advance their labs. If your organization services the Pathology Laboratory space, we would love to get to know you and see if we are a good fit.
To the members of the
2025 Executive War College,
Are ready to see your business grow?
Partner with The Executive War College! Our attendees are the Leaders and Management of the top Pathology Laboratories in the world. EWC has delivered relevant content consistently for 30 years. (Our 2024 conference had more than 1000 attendees) EWC members are the decision makers that you need for your business to be successful.
We would love to talk and see if we would be a good match. And if you’re not ready to partner right now let’s get a cup of coffee in New Orleans and talk about our shared future.
Fill out this form and make connections that will help grow your business.
Partners talk about the value of Executive War College
Brad Bostic, CEO
Ajay Kapare, President
Cristy Reiter, President & CEO
US Healthtek
Lisa Jean Clifford,
EXEC COO & Chief Strategy Officer
Carlos Taborda,
Founder & CEO
Gistia Healthcare AI
Browse Photo Highlights from Executive War College 2024
Ready to see your business grow with our audience?
Partner with the 2025 Executive War College!
Contact: Amanda Curtis or Ron Rohrer