EWC 30: How it Began

We at Executive War College Central have done lots of proud yet humble bragging over the years, and thanks to all the smash hit reviews by our attendee guests, naturally we have developed healthy egos. However, this year is even more special for us. It marks 30 years for what has become the world’s largest […]

Check out these Corporate Benefactor Sessions in 2024

We say it often and it’s true. We could not bring you the Executive War College each spring without the generous support of all our partners, especially those who work with us as Corporate Benefactors of this elite gathering of clinical laboratory and pathology executives. So, today we wrap up our series in this space profiling each […]

LDT Final Rule: This session will have you covered

We’re on the edge of our seats, waiting for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to make official the final rule on Lab Developed Tests (LDTs), and wouldn’t it be interesting if it all came down during the 29th Executive War College. Suddenly, “Oversight of LDTs: How Labs Will Need to Comply, Steps to Take Now, […]

Showing Labs The Money; Get Maximum Reimbursement

Every time I read an article in the clinical laboratory world about reimbursement, I immediately flash on a famous scene in a famous 1990s rom com, where a character named Rod Tidwell is on the phone coaxing and cajoling a guy named Jerry Maguire to scream out a certain catch phrase that has since entered […]

A 16-Year-Old Leads the Gen Z Charge into Clinical Lab World

If you see Isak Schmidley around the Hyatt in New Orleans in four weeks, please spare him of the Doogie Howser jokes. After all, this young man is no fictional TV character. He’s the real deal, and a remarkable, wonderful story right now in the clinical laboratory world. Gen Z is in the house! Last summer the […]

Benefactor Sessions to Cover Practical Clinical Lab Solutions

Benefactor Session Highlights U.S. HealthTek Goes into Real Clinical Lab AI Case Studies This time of year, our small yet mighty team is mostly occupied in helping our fearless leader Robert L. Michel, the man behind the Executive War College, with constant and diligent planning for our 29th gathering of senior clinical lab leaders, April 30-May 1 in […]

Bringing you More Practical Advice and Application

We certainly like to brag about all the benefits of attending the Executive War College, but the one which makes us most proud is the recruitment of a who’s who of national thought leaders on topics of emerging concern for clinical lab and pathology leaders when it comes to running the business side of their labs. That’s […]

Helping You Weather Major Regulatory Changes

Let’s start today with a little behind the scenes look into the planning of each year’s Executive War College. Truth be told, as early as late summer each year, I start “pestering” Robert Michel, Master and Commander of our must-attend event for clinical lab and pathology managers, to start building the agenda. As his right-hand man on the […]

A Day All About Practical Applications and Deployment

First, I want to assure you that this is ME, not the Artificial Intelligence (AI) version of ME, but truly yours truly bringing you another update on what’s new at the upcoming 29th Executive War College. In fact, I have no intentions of being replaced by AI any time soon, and I believe it when Brad Bostic, CEO […]

Pathologist Pay, Productivity and Negotiating with Payers

Unfortunately, it’s the perfect storm for pathologists and pathology practices. Pathology reimbursements are constantly being cut while labor costs are rising to all-time highs. The threats to the livelihoods of anatomic pathologists today are everywhere. But at the Executive War College we have you covered with some important data, actionable info and best practices in […]