by Bob Croce
For The Executive War College
Every time I read an article in the clinical laboratory world about reimbursement, I immediately flash on a famous scene in a famous 1990s rom com, where a character named Rod Tidwell is on the phone coaxing and cajoling a guy named Jerry Maguire to scream out a certain catch phrase that has since entered the lexicon.
“Show me the money!!!!!”
Well, that’s one of the things we will do at the 29th Executive War College. Getting maximum reimbursement these days when claims denials are on the rise is critically important, and this will be a theme across our program.
So in this issue where we highlight our benefactor sessions, we feature the Quadax panel discussion, “Effective Appeal Strategies and Technological Solutions for Increased Reimbursement”.
The panel features Quadax execs Chad Miles Director, Reimbursement Management ; Tom Cronin, SVP, Revenue Cycle Strategy & Analytics; Mike Kovacs SVP, Client Engagement; and Phil Conard SVP, Solution Strategy and Support.

Chad Miles Director, Reimbursement Management at Quadax¨
Is It Necessary? Lab Trends and Best Practices for Improved Outcomes
In this session, Kim Warren, Senior Strategist,
at Optum, will explore laboratory ordering-appropriateness trends using exclusive data from CareSelect® Lab, a clinical decision support solution integrated with electronic health records (EHR).
Optum will discuss how various hospitals, health systems, and outpatient clinics have successfully utilized laboratory specific-analytics and evidence-based criteria to make impactful changes through easy interventions and incorporate data-driven best practices into their strategies.

Kim Warren, Senior Strategist, at Optum

Michael Ferrie, MM/MBA, President, Laboratory & Pathology, Coronis Health
Coronis Health
HEADWINDS in Lab & Path
This session hosted by Michael Ferrie with Jane Pine Wood, Counsel at McDonald Hopkins, focuses on key areas for consideration and action by laboratory and pathology professionals. An interactive presentation/discussion, topics include:
- The Audits are Coming!
- How Low is Low? Medicaid Reimbursement Travails
- Key Trouble Spots — New & Returning
- Digital Pathology: key trends, TC/PC arrangements
- “Arrangements” as pertain to billing, collections, & related matters
- Payer News / Clearinghouse News
- Protection from Cyber Attack — Implications and Precautions
- Current Events as applicable

Michael Ferrie, MM/MBA, President, Laboratory & Pathology, Coronis Health
Maximize Lab Profitability: Unleash the Power of AI with Practical Use Cases
Chief Product Officer Sunil Konda takes you through how you can transform your laboratory’s financial landscape using AI and technology that provide up to a 14% revenue increase and an 80% reduction in manual data entry costs. In this session, discover how SYNERGEN Health’s innovative, integrated revenue cycle solution and PreciseMDX’s AI Paperless Lab technology tackle the industry’s toughest challenges, from data quality to staffing shortages.
That’s it for this week. More dispatches to come. Hope to see you and your “krewe” in New Orleans.
(Bob Croce is Executive Publisher/General Manager of The Dark Intelligence Group, the company that brings you the Executive War College. Have a question or comment for Bob, you can reach him at
Haven’t registered yet for EWC 2024? Don’t wait, we may sell out this year!
From our Agenda
(Don’t miss our Day 3 workshops below. EWC 2024 agenda)

Whole Genome Sequencing and Genetic Testing for Community Hospitals
Lean for Lab Leaders: Proven Ways to Swiftly Slash Costs
While Boosting Productivity and Improving Staff Retention
Prepare Your Lab for Era of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Clinical Diagnostics:
AI Technologies, Applications, and Best Paths to Deployment
Proven Ways to Turbocharge Your Lab’s Coding, Billing,
and Collections Program to Generate Increased Revenue
For ongoing updates, check out our agenda page.