by Bob Croce
For The Executive War College
We’re on the edge of our seats, waiting for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to make official the final rule on Lab Developed Tests (LDTs), and wouldn’t it be interesting if it all came down during the 29th Executive War College.
Suddenly, “Oversight of LDTs: How Labs Will Need to Comply, Steps to Take Now, and Analyzing the Financial Impact of Compliance” becomes an even more must-attend session.
Jane Pine Wood, Sheila Walcoff, and Valerie Palmieri will lead this session, which once again shows how EWC brings you the latest and greatest info on what’s happening right now. It’s like being in the right place at the right time; like observing “totality” on Monday somewhere in America.
It’s actually one of several sessions we have on the LDT final rule. Check out our agenda for all the details.

Wood, from McDonald Hopkins (pictured above), has over 30 years of representing clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups, hospitals, health systems and more.
Walcoff is a nationally recognized FDA policy expert, who currently advises precision medicine companies and boasts an impressive 25-plus years of experience.
Palmieri is executive chair on the Board of Aspira Women’s Health and previously served six years as the national Vice President of anatomic pathology operations at LabCorp.
The goal of the session will be to give you what you need to start complying with the LDT final rule soon as you get back to your labs.
Topics of the session will include the following:
- The elements of a ‘LDT play book’ for complying with the anticipated FDA requirements.
- A framework for analyzing whether certain LDTs will be worth retaining.
- An understanding of the resources that may be needed to meet future compliance.
That’s it for this week. More dispatches to come. Hope to see you and your “krewe” in New Orleans.
(Bob Croce is Executive Publisher/General Manager of The Dark Intelligence Group, the company that brings you the Executive War College. Have a question or comment for Bob, you can reach him at
EWC: where business gets done
Looking forward to making new contacts and friends in 2024. Here’s a photo dump from last year’s dealmaking in the hallways:

Haven’t registered yet for EWC 2024? Don’t wait, we may sell out this year!
From our Agenda
(Don’t miss our Day 3 workshops below. EWC 2024 agenda)
Whole Genome Sequencing and Genetic Testing for Community Hospitals
Lean for Lab Leaders: Proven Ways to Swiftly Slash Costs
While Boosting Productivity and Improving Staff Retention
Prepare Your Lab for Era of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Clinical Diagnostics:
AI Technologies, Applications, and Best Paths to Deployment
Proven Ways to Turbocharge Your Lab’s Coding, Billing,
and Collections Program to Generate Increased Revenue
For ongoing updates, check out our Agenda page.