William Morice, MD, PhD,

President & CEO
Mayo Clinic Laboratories,
Rochester, MN
After completing my MD/PhD (Immunology) training at Mayo Medical School in 1994 I completed an intern year and AP/CP residency, and surgical pathology and hematopathology fellowships at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and joined the Mayo Clinic staff as a hematopathologist in 2000. I served as the division chair of hematopathology at Mayo Clinic from 2009 to 20015, as the Chair of the Mayo Clinic Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology and President of Mayo Clinic Laboratories from February 2015 until November 2022, and now serve as the President & CEO of Mayo Collaborative Services/Mayo Clinic Laboratories. I have been blessed to have a rewarding career as an academic pathologist developing new clinical laboratory tests for the diagnosis of hematologic malignancies and authoring over 200 papers, abstracts, and book chapters. I have carried my passion for innovation into my leadership roles working to conceptualize and lead implementation of ideas that expand delivery of diagnostic services globally and continue to establish, manage, and maintain Mayo’s reputation as prestigious, world-renowned global reference laboratory assisting healthcare providers worldwide advance patient care and broaden access to specialized testing. In addition to my leadership roles at Mayo Clinic I have served as the Chair of the Board of Directors of the American Clinical Laboratory Association and the Co-Chair of the Industry Advisory Group to the Global Fund Access to Covid Tools Accelerator-Diagnostics.
The 29th Annual Executive War College will be held April 30 – May 1, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel New Orleans.
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