Tim Stenzel, MD
Former Director of the FDA’s Office of In Vitro Diagnostics with an extensive background, spanning more than 25 years, in executive leadership, innovation, companion diagnostics, molecular diagnostics, molecular genetics, immunology, infectious diseases, surgical pathology, laboratory medicine, basic and applied research and development, commercial operations, manufacturing, contract negotiations, mergers and acquisitions, FDA regulations, dozens of successful FDA submissions and scores of regulated products launched outside the US, and worldwide clinical laboratory operations at Duke University, then Industry and finally at the FDA. He received his M.D. and Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology from Duke University after graduating with Honors in Chemistry from Grinnell College and is board certified in Pathology and Genetics following a residency, a clinical fellowship, and an NIH funded research fellowship at Duke University. He founded the Duke Clinical Molecular Diagnostics laboratory, clinical and research laboratories in Japan and China, respectively, and Molecular Diagnostics at QuidelOrtho.
The 29th Annual Executive War College will be held April 30 – May 1, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel New Orleans.
Join our carefully selected line-up of clinical laboratory and pathology leaders, along with your peers, at Executive War College — the premier conference focusing on the best ideas, newest lab technologies, and most innovative management strategies now reshaping the clinical laboratory industry!
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"Thank you for the Executive War College. This year was my first opportunity to attend and I was truly impressed with how well it was run, the quality of the speakers, and the accommodations. It is easy to see why attendance is growing every year."