Patient Engagement Drives Value for Labs
We unlock the value of lab data and drive patient engagement that differentiates your lab’s services. Engaged patients see improved compliance rates and better outcomes. Our omni-channel communication reaches patients where they are in their healthcare journey, enabling you to provide additional healthcare services. Through our digital patient experience, we remove the burden of results delivery, reduce customer support, and help you comply with regulations requiring labs to provide patients with electronic access to results.
The Leading Patient Engagement Platform for Labs
With Luminate Health, your patients have the ability to access and understand their results, monitor health trends, and engage in ongoing wellness programs. We are leaders in patient engagement and have deep experience working across clinical, anatomic pathology, specialty, and hospital labs across the country. We’ve processed billions of lab tests for millions of patients; we operate across all 50 states; and our labs operate across over 70,000 points of care.
Billions of Results
Millions of Patients
points of care
Transforming Labs Into Leaders in Consumer-Driven Healthcare
Driving improved outcomes in healthcare starts with the patient. We’re focused on delivering an exceptional end-to-end patient experience, allowing you to create a relationship with your patients and engage with them through their testing journey, from sign-up to results delivery, and all the way through to driving your patients back to you for their testing needs.