A Growing Digital Pathology Curriculum

by Bob Croce

For The Executive War College

Elia Rosetta, CEO, Milestone Medical Technologies

Elia Rosetta CEO,
Milestone Medical Technologies

Lisa-Jean Clifford, COO & Chief Strategy Officer, Gestalt Diagnostics

Lisa-Jean Clifford, COO &
Chief Strategy Officer,
Gestalt Diagnostics

At the 2023 and 24 Executive War Colleges, we stayed on the leading edge, and by popular demand brought you information, case studies and data from first adopter organizations in digital pathology.

Over the past decade, there has been continuous improvement in the digital technologies used in digital scanning and digital image analysis. Yet despite these improvements, many pathology group practices have been slow to make the commitment to acquire and deploy a full digital pathology system in their labs.

However, with early adopter pathology laboratories reporting favorable results from both the use of digital pathology workflow and the use of the specific Artificial Intelligence image analysis algorithms, we at EWC continue to up our game when it comes to helping you take digital pathology from evaluation and implementation to actual full-blown practice.

The list of digital path-centric sessions continues to grow, and we will be announcing more soon, but for now the following is a sample of what you can expect:

Speakers: Michelle Bell, Service and Applications Manager, Milestone Medical Technologies, Austin, TX; Elia Rosetta CEO, Milestone Medical Technologies, Kalamazoo, MI; and Vanessa Visioni, VP, Milestone Medical Technologies, Sorisole, Italy.

Speaker: Lisa-Jean Clifford, COO & Chief Strategy Officer, Gestalt Diagnostics, Spokane, WA.

Speakers: David Clark MD, Consultant Haematopathologist, Clinical Lead for Digital Pathology, Nottingham University Hospitals, NHS Trust, Nottingham, England, UK; and Paul Chenery, Head of Quality, Training & Strategic Improvement, Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust

Then, back by popular demand for the third straight year, we will run our usually sold out Day 3 workshop on May 1: Breaking Pathology’s Glass Slide Updated! Ways to Build Revenue with Digital Pathology, Whole Slide Images, AI Diagnostic Tools, and More

Executive War College attendees in a session
Executive War College attendees in a session
Executive War College General Session speakers
Executive War College session speaker
Executive War College attendees in a session

Haven’t registered yet for EWC 2025?
Sign up by 3/21/25 and save $100 off full tuition.

Don’t miss our Day 3 workshops below on May 1

Workshop 1
Whole Genome Sequencing and Genetic Testing for Community Hospitals – Companion Diagnostics in Lab–Pharma Relationships

Workshop 2
Breaking Pathology’s Glass Slide Updated! Ways to Build Revenue with Digital Pathology, Whole Slide Images, AI Diagnostic Tools, and More

Workshop 3
Lean for Lab Leaders: Proven Ways to Swiftly Slash Costs While Boosting Productivity and Improving Staff Retention

Workshop 4
What’s Changing in CLIA Compliance and Inspections: Essentials for Lab Quality Officers and CLIA Lab Directors