Lâle White
Lâle is a nationally recognized expert in the field of medical financial management and regulatory compliance, with over 35 years of experience in information systems development and medical billing. She lectures extensively on these topics and has consulted for major labs and lab associations throughout the U.S. She has chaired the state and federal contractor committees for the California Clinical Laboratory Association (CCLA), maintaining a working relationship with the Department of Health and Human Services. Lâle has also worked with HCFA and the U.S. Office of the Inspector General to develop the first OIG Model Compliance Program.
Prior to founding XiFin, Lâle held leadership roles with Laboratory Corporation of America and National Health Laboratories. She has held Board of Directors memberships with bioTheranostics while it was a BioMerieux subsidiary, and CombiMatrix Corporation, until its acquisition by Invitae Corporation in 2017; and is currently on the board of Cardiff Oncology. Lâle has been recognized with multiple industry and business honors including the lifetime achievement award from the CCLA, the Entrepreneur of the Year Award from Ernst & Young and inclusion in the Top 50 Women Entrepreneurs in America from Inc. She has a BA in finance and an MBA from Florida International University.
The 29th Annual Executive War College will be held April 30 – May 1, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel New Orleans.
Join our carefully selected line-up of clinical laboratory and pathology leaders, along with your peers, at Executive War College — the premier conference focusing on the best ideas, newest lab technologies, and most innovative management strategies now reshaping the clinical laboratory industry!
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"Thank you for the Executive War College. This year was my first opportunity to attend and I was truly impressed with how well it was run, the quality of the speakers, and the accommodations. It is easy to see why attendance is growing every year."